10th October 2018
Sam Skelton finds the olfactory appeal of old cars one of their most powerful traits...
10th October 2018
Sam Skelton finds the olfactory appeal of old cars one of their most powerful traits...
3rd October 2018
Anyone who is into old cars must also have at least a passing interest in new ones as well. But Andrew Everett wants to know what...
26th September 2018
Electric classics are on the march, if the developments of the last week or two are anything to go by. Not only have we seen retro-themed EVs from two major manufacturers, but demand for conversions…
26th September 2018
Recovering his photo archive brings back memories for Classic World's Peter Simpson of a past project car which was ‘solid’ in more ways than one…
21st September 2018
Classic car owners could unwittingly be buying sub-standard safety-critical parts for their vehicles, as issues over quality and a lack of clarity regarding part numbers increasingly blights the industry...
19th September 2018
The XJS experience is like a failed first date with a pretty girl, says Skelton. Has he gone mad?
12th September 2018
Anyone who is into old cars must also have at least a passing interest in new ones as well. But what really passes as a prestige car these days? Andrew Everett discusses...
22nd August 2018
Motorists are once again being warned about online used vehicle sales scams, with the sheer volume of such incidents said to have increased significantly in recent months.
9th August 2018
There is no disputing that classic cars have an impact on the environment, even if they do few miles a year. But just how much greener are new cars?
8th August 2018
Jon Burgess reckons the internet is making the car market far more difficult than it used to be – because it’s giving the lazy ‘enthusiast’ an unreasonable sense of entitlement...
1st August 2018
Recreating a photograph from 30 years ago prompts Peter Simpson to ponder his Toyota Prius’ classic status…