The TR Register car club celebrated the golden anniversary of its inaugural meeting on January 12, returning to the same Oxfordshire venue of the Holt Hotel in Hopcrofts Holt on the same weekend, 50 years on.

The occasion was marked with a gala dinner on the Saturday night for the founding members and long-standing volunteers of the club, which was founded after Terry Simpson and his wife Valerie wrote a letter and placed adverts into Motor Sport Magazine in 1969. Also present were representatives from the community of parts specialists that grew out of the club’s quest to preserve the marque TR through securing reliable parts supplies.

TR Register

The evening was hosted by the club’s Magazine Editor, Wayne Scott, who took attendees on a journey through the different eras of the club’s development. A panel of interviewees also recounted stories of the formation of local regions and the huge contribution to Triumphs in motorsport that the club continues to make, with the venue displaying covers from every year of the five decades of TR Action, the club’s magazine. Sunday continued with a more in-depth programme of interviews plus a photo gallery, where attendees brought along photographs, memorabilia and videos to share.

TR Register

Some 93 TRs attended including the club’s very own TR2, better known by its TS2 commission number and the first right hand drive TR to be built, plus the ex-Simo Lampinen Works TR8 of Steve Rockingham. The TR Register event starts a yearlong celebration with various events up and down the country.