Plans for a new classic car-themed visitor attraction in Derbyshire will no longer be going ahead as planned. The Great British Car Journey and its sister ‘Drive Dad’s Car’ experience were due to open in April, but it’s been announced that they will not proceed any further due to circumstances beyond the directors’ control.

The new visitor attraction was the brainchild of former Blyton Park owner Richard Usher, and had been set-up be a timeline of the rise, fall and rise of the British car industry told in nine chapters. A site in Ambergate had been purchased to house the visitor attraction, with more than 100 British cars purchased in preparation.

An announcement confirming the cancellation of the project said: “Sadly, two of the Directors have been diagnosed with illnesses requiring extensive treatment and are therefore unable to continue work on the project.

“The situation has been further aggravated by issues with the site at Ambergate, including the recent flooding, and by unforeseen additional development costs. As a result, the funding that had been secured is no longer available to the business.

“The directors would like to thank everyone who has shown enormous commitment to the venture both locally and nationally. In the current circumstances this support is much appreciated.”

So, does this mean the end of the project? With the current management at the Ambergate site, a line in the sand has definitely been drawn. The future of the cars remains unknown at this stage, but we understand the project is oven ready for another party to take over, and discussions would be welcomed.

In the meantime, the team has received a wealth of best wishes from a variety of sources, including local MP and county councillors. Here’s hoping the project can be restarted.